About Us

About Me

Hello !! Meet Me, I am your very own coach Rutuja. I am a Certified Trauma- Informed Coach- ACC and Practitioner. Let me introduce you to my work as a Trauma informed coach and “why” I am so deeply passionate about my role and delivering compassionate and empowering service to my clients.

For a long time, I had a relatively distorted vision of my own authenticity which eventually led to compromise my identity and “how I wanted to show-up in the world”. I was always showered with the goody compliments “she has no ego”, “she never got into fight with anyone” “she is so quiet and tranquil”, “she just blended in with environment in an unassuming manner”, “she is so versatile and all-rounder”, well this sounded very satisfying to hear; however, it never fulfilled the void in my SOUL. Nevertheless, it was in these recent years where I realized I deliberately chose to express myself in such way without being aware, under high compulsion just only to get myself accepted into the social groups, unfamiliar environments or just out of the fear to save myself from a unpredictable danger. To say in others words, I had pushed my emotions below my conscious awareness all these years.

Time after time, I was fed up with being labeled as a “Such a nice girl”, I agree, it might be genuine comment from someone, however, at point I knew why I was being called with the term “Nice”, it was just because me being compulsively putting other’s expectations and need ahead of my own, pretending to agree with opinions although finding them repellent and unacceptable, it made me fulfill the criteria of what others expected of me. But, it disconnected me from myself.

After a very long period of my life what hit me was “I was living on the trauma responses and it expressed in the disconnection from self even in the absence of abuse and overwhelming threat.”

Then what changed...

I stopped being Ignorant and became Conscious of “Better to do something about it !”. I started to get aware about my limiting beliefs and thoughts. I become aware about my narratives about “Myself” I realized “there is nothing to fix” I started to held myself as “Resourceful”

I started to Honor my emotional needs, what I feel, my instincts, my sense of self and my conscious will. I started to express my repressed feelings especially “healthy anger” which gave me the sense of agency and control. All I want say “you don’t have to live a life that you don’t want to “ There were the set of realizations that I am holding up with, that thoroughly changed how I viewed “myself” and “the world around me”!!!

My values


I believe in the power of empathy to create a safe and supportive space for clients to explore their experiences, express their emotions, and feel understood and validated.


I approach my work with deep compassion and kindness, recognizing the courage it takes for individuals to confront trauma and seek support.


I honor the autonomy, dignity, and inherent worth of each individual, respecting their unique experiences, perspectives, and cultural backgrounds.


I prioritize creating a sense of safety and trust in your coaching relationship, ensuring that clients feel secure and comfortable to explore their vulnerabilities and challenges.


I believe in empowering clients to reclaim their sense of agency, autonomy, and self-efficacy in their healing journey, helping them tap into their inner strength and resilience.


I view my coaching relationship as a partnership, collaborating with clients to set goals, explore strategies, and navigate challenges together.

My Methodology

Drawing on evidence-based practices and a deep understanding of trauma theory and neuroscience, I offer personalized coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs and goals. Together, we will explore practical tools and strategies to help you regulate your emotions, build resilience, and cultivate a greater sense of self-compassion and empowerment.

What I Wish for you !!

Above all, my goal is to empower you to reclaim your sense of agency and possibility in your life. Through our work together, you will discover the strength and resilience within you to overcome adversity, embrace your authentic self, and create a life filled with meaning and purpose.

Eager to meet You!!

I invite you to take the first step on your healing journey today. Whether you're ready to schedule a session or simply want to learn more about how I can support you, I am here to listen, support, and guide you with compassion and understanding. Together, we will unlock the door to healing and embark on a journey of transformation.