Personality Disorder

What exactly is personality disorder?

A personality disorder represents a complex mental health condition that appears as a pervasive pattern of inner experience and behaviour and is remarkably disproportionate to what would be considered normal. Patterns can cause distress and functional impairment in daily life. For example, a person with borderline personality disorder experiences marked emotional highs and lows and fears abandonment, which may lead to dysfunctional relationships. Instead, a person diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder may have a grandiose sense of self-importance or complete absence of empathy towards others. Some of the examples are histrionic personality disorder, where feelings are felt extremely or antisocial personality disorder, where individuals abolish the rights of others. All of these need identification to be treated and supported effectively.

Types of Personality Disorders

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterised by chaos in the emotional and behavioural lives of patients. Patients are characterized by marked emotional instability, impulsivity of behaviour, and turbulent relationships, which often lead to feelings of emptiness.

Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD):

Characterized by extreme shyness and hypersensitivity to criticism, this patient might avoid social situations and feel inadequacy

Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD)

It refers to a pervasive need for others to take care of one, showing submissive behaviours and an inability or difficulty making independent decisions.

How We Can Help You Heal

Comprehensive Review

A comprehensive review is conducted for in-depth knowledge of the specific experience related to diverse types of personality disorders.

This assessment by this method identifies the challenges you face and guides us toward the most effective treatment approaches tailored specifically to your needs.

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Personalized Treatment Plans

Our team creates an intervention that would target specific disorders, such as schizoid personality disorder or paranoid personality disorder.

We use research-backed therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), which enable us to enhance emotional control and better ways of coping.

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Skill-Building Workshops

There are also workshops on life skills, such as communication, emotional regulation, and stress management skills.

There is strong potential to develop worthwhile interpersonal relationships through life skills, especially in the case of histrionic personality disorder or avoidant personality disorder.

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Support Groups

A support group can provide community and understanding. Our groups enable members who face similar challenges

such as multiple personality disorder or split personality disorder—to discuss their experiences, which fosters connection and prevents isolation.

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Family Involvement

Involving the families in the recovery process promotes better cooperation as well as support within the family.

Educating the family members on personality disorders can improve communication and supportive care, thus creating an enabling environment for recovery from such disorders as narcissistic personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder.

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Regular Follow-Up Evaluation

Healing is a continuum process. We maintain a check on your condition with periodic follow-ups and the readjustment of the treatment plan according to the respective requirements at different stages

Our aim is to keep you assured throughout the journey about overcoming symptoms related to different personality disorders.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Personality disorder is a condition associated with abnormal patterns of behaviour that arise persistently, disturbing the normal modes of behaviour that deviate from the norms in any culture and interfere with functioning or induce distress.

There are ten identified types of personality disorders, and they are categorized into three different clusters. These include: Cluster A or odd, Cluster B or dramatic, and Cluster C or anxious.

Symptoms include intense mood swings, fear of abandonment, impulsive behaviours, unstable relationships, and chronic feelings of emptiness.

The treatment primarily involves cognitive-behavioural therapy aimed at confronting and overcoming fears through gradual exposure to real social or actual situations.

The cause is not fully understood and may be predisposed to genetic inheritance, trauma environmental factors, and upsetting brain chemistry.

Researchers see evidence that there might be a genetic component, but environmental factors largely constitute the development of this disorder.

Dependent Personality Disorder is characterized by excessive dependence on others to the extent of passive conduct, and not being able to make decisions independently.

Yes! Psychotherapy is one of the top treatments for most personality disorders and helps an individual know what is going on with him, and also increases his knowledge about his thought processes and behavior.

There is no specific medication available for personality disorders, but certain medications can manage symptoms associated with anxiety or depression in the patient.

Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of feeling for others.

If you are experiencing chronic relationship or daily life problems that distress you or interfere with your functioning, consider consulting a mental health professional for an evaluation.

This condition is called Dissociative Identity Disorder, previously Multiple Personality Disorder. Such a disease can be recovered from with special therapy that helps integrate various identities.

BPD is related to severe emotional instability associated with relationship issues, while bipolar disorder is a type of mood swing between depression and mania not related to relationships.

Educate yourself on their specific disorder, be patient with them, urge them to follow through with treatment, and provide emotional support without judgment. One of the most vital needs for personality disorders such as antisocial, histrionic, or even schizotypal personality disorder education both to the patients and their families is needed. Professional intervention can then open windows of treatment that would better their quality of life furthering the possibility of healthier relationships. If you or your friend is suffering from one or any other personality disorder—be it dependent, narcissistic, or even trouble with **multiple personality disorder—you should seek help today!

Symptoms of NPD include:
  • Grandiosity
  • Need for admiration
  • Lack of empathy
  • Arrogance
  • Entitlement

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